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Object Constructor Functions

Sometimes we need to create many objects of the same type. To create an object type, we use an object constructor function. It is considered good practice to name constructor functions with an upper-case first letter.

Object Type: Person​

function Person(first, last, age, eye) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eye;

In the constructor function, this has no value. The value of this will become the new object when a new object is created.

Creating New Person Objects​

Now we can use new Person() to create many new Person objects:

const myFather = new Person("John", "Doe", 50, "blue");
const myMother = new Person("Sally", "Rally", 48, "green");
const mySister = new Person("Anna", "Rally", 18, "green");

Property Default Values​

A value given to a property will be a default value for all objects created by the constructor:

function Person(first, last, age, eyecolor) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eyecolor;
this.nationality = "English";

Adding a Property to an Object​

Adding a property to a created object is easy:

myFather.nationality = "English";

The property will be added to myFather. Not to any other Person objects.

Adding a Property to a Constructor​

You cannot add a new property directly to an object constructor. To add a new property, you must add it to the constructor function prototype:

Person.prototype.nationality = "English";

Adding a Method to a Constructor​

You cannot add a new method directly to an object constructor function. This code will produce a TypeError:

Person.changeName = function (name) {
this.lastName = name;

// TypeError: myMother.changeName is not a function

Built-in JavaScript Constructors​

JavaScript has built-in constructors for all native objects:

new Object();   // A new Object object
new Array(); // A new Array object
new Map(); // A new Map object
new Set(); // A new Set object
new Date(); // A new Date object
new RegExp(); // A new RegExp object
new Function(); // A new Function object

Best Practices​

  • Use object literals {} instead of new Object().
  • Use array literals [] instead of new Array().
  • Use pattern literals /()/ instead of new RegExp().
  • Use function expressions () {} instead of new Function().


"";           // primitive string
0; // primitive number
false; // primitive boolean

{}; // object object
[]; // array object
/()/; // regexp object
function(){}; // function

Creating Another Person Object​

const mySelf = new Person("Johnny", "Rally", 22, "green");

JavaScript Constructors

Constructor Functions in Detail​


A constructor is a function that initializes an object. In JavaScript, constructors are more similar to normal Java constructors.

Object Constructor​

In JavaScript, there is a special constructor function known as Object() that is used to create and initialize an object. The return value of the Object() constructor is assigned to a variable. The variable contains a reference to the new object. We need an object constructor to create an object β€œtype” that can be used multiple times without redefining the object every time.


class Car {
constructor(brand, model, year) {
this.brand = brand;
this.model = model;
this.year = year;

In this example, Car is the class name, and brand, model, and year are the parameters of the constructor.

Instantiating an Object Constructor​

There are two ways to instantiate an object constructor:

  1. var object_name = new Object(); 
    var object_name = new Object("java", "JavaScript", "C#");
  2. var object_name = { };

In the first method, the object is created by using the new keyword like in normal OOP languages, and "Java", "JavaScript", "C#" are the arguments passed when the constructor is invoked. In the second method, the object is created using curly braces { }.

Assigning Properties to the Objects​

There are two ways to assign properties to objects:

Using Dot (.) Operator​

objectName.propertyName = value;

Using Bracket Notation​

objectName['propertyName'] = value;

Example 1: Using new Keyword and Dot Operator​

// Creating object using "new" keyword 
var myObject = new Object();

// Assigning properties to the object using dot (.) operator
myObject.subject = "JavaScript"; = "John Doe";

console.log("Subject: " + myObject.subject);
console.log("Author: " +;


Subject: JavaScript
Author: John Doe

Example 2: Using Curly Braces and Bracket Notation​

// Creating an object using "{ }" bracket 
var myObject = { };

// Assigning properties to the object using bracket notation
myObject['subject'] = "JavaScript";
myObject['author'] = "Jane Smith";

console.log("Subject: " + myObject.subject);
console.log("Author: " +;


Subject: JavaScript
Author: Jane Smith

Example 3: Using Function with Object Constructor​

// Creating object     
var myObject = new Object();

// Assigning properties to the object
myObject.subject = "JavaScript"; = "James Brown";

// Use function()
myObject.displayInfo = function () {
return (myObject.subject + " " +;

console.log("Subject: " + myObject.subject);
console.log("Author: " +;

// Call function with object constructor
console.log("Adding the strings: " + myObject.displayInfo());


Subject: JavaScript
Author: James Brown
Adding the strings: JavaScript James Brown

Example: Another Way to Create a Function Using Function Name​

// Creating object using "{ }" bracket 
var myObject = { };

// Assigning properties to the object
myObject.subject = "JavaScript"; = "Jessica Green";

// Use function()
myObject.displayInfo = add;

// Declare function add()
function add() {
return (myObject.subject + " " +;

console.log("Subject: " + myObject.subject);
console.log("Author: " +;

// Call function with object constructor
console.log("Adding the strings: " + myObject.displayInfo());


Subject: JavaScript
Author: Jessica Green
Adding the strings: JavaScript Jessica Green


Object constructor functions in JavaScript provide a powerful way to create and manage objects of the same type. By following best practices, such as using prototypes and understanding the limitations of constructors, you can write more efficient and maintainable code.